I can't believe it's been 2 months now! Time flies so so fast, sometimes I wish I could just freeze the moment. But (unfortunately ;D ) that doesn't work. So for me, and I'm sure I'm not alone with this feeling, I kind of get into a "omg-actually-i-wanted-to-do-so-many-things-but-there-is-not-enough-time-left-waah-panic-panic-phase" now. I still want to do so many things and want to see so many places here, but there is just not enough time left... and that kind of scares me, because in 2 weeks, half of this exchange is OVER. GONE. FINITO. Which brought me kind of back to reality and which again made me realize that I really have to live the moment and use my time here as good as possibly possible:) That doesn't mean I have to do crazy trips all the time to make as many memories as possible, it is sometimes even so much cooler to just hang around with your friends and watch a movie and simply have a good time together, because what I think is really important is being able to say "that was a great day, I am happy with the decisions I made on how I spent my day ".haha whether I spent my day shopping-hard ;) in a Mall or if I was just lazy all day and did absolutely nothing productive all day. It's totally okay to have lazy days at home, especially now, that the days get shorter and it's getting colder outside I really enjoy watching shows, reading a book, drinking tea and sleeping.
Anyways, What it really is about at least for me, is : looking back on this time in a few years and being able to say that I had a great time, because in the end that's all that matters, right?
Ok, now enough of this, moving on to the fun things I did the past couple of weeks and some updates on what is actually going on here in Mission;) and my social life here ;)
*deutscher Part folgt noch.
Damit dieser Post wenigstens was lehrreiches hat, erklär ich jetzt mal, was es mit dem "Movember" auf sich hat. Movember ist zusammengesetzt aus dem englischen Wort "moustache", was Schnurrbart bedeutet, und wer hätte es gedacht, aus dem Monat "November".
Also Schnurrbart-November, was genau das bedeutet wonach es sich anhört, Männer rasieren sich einen Monat nicht und lassen sich nen Schnurrbart wachsen. Für die, die sich jetzt fragen welchen Sinn das ganze hat, hab ich sogar eine Antwort:)
Man(n) setzt sich damit für den guten Zweck ein und hilft so freiwillig , Spenden für Prostata-Krebs zu sammeln. Das ganze findet seit 2004 statt, wobei hier in Kanada der erste Movember erst 2007 stattfand. 2011 war Kanada das Land, welches bis dahin am meisten Spenden und Teilnehmer aufgebracht hat, sodass die sogenannte "Movember Foundation"seit 2012 unter einer der Top 100 nicht-Regierungs Institutionen ist. Also los guys! Vielleicht kommt ja der Movember auch nach Deutschland dieses Jahr.
Hallo Alicia. Lebe in den Tag. Genieße die Zeit. Die schönen Erinnerungen bleiben von Alleine. Papa