Mittwoch, 30. April 2014

On the pursuit of happiness.

Hello World, seems like I haven't been posting AT ALL lately..
or well better being said I didn't post anything. And the worst..I don't even have an excuse. I mean I could say that I have had a lot of stuff going on lately, but that wouldn't be true.
I mean yeah some things changed, like me being in Chile now and discovering world here. But other than that.. I don't know, I guess sometimes I'm really missing inspiration and keep on ignoring what I actually have to do, and then there's this time when I start getting lazy and completely try to edge out things. And that's what I guess happened to my blog. I saw it as a big effort writing a new post, so I kept on not doing it and saying "yeah I do it later" which being honest, if I say later, it can really mean never. I know myself and that's what unfortunately happens a lot of times. But I'm working on it!
Instead of enjoying posting I had this pressure of new posts in my head and ended up not writing anything.
What changed my mind? Well that's influenced by various things, one of them is me being alone in a room with my diary, a cup o tea and my laptop; and another one is me finally being inspired to blog again!

I actually am thinking of starting a new blog, or changing this one up a little, because lately I really feel this need of me writing down my thoughts and my vision on the world and well basically there are a lot of things I'm interested in, and my life is not only traveling (which I'm hoping will always be a part of my life), but also different things that are going on in this world. I also intend to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy cooking vegan. I'm 17 and there are still many things I haven't figured out, like for example what I'd like to study or basically what I want to succeed in my life. There are still  so many places I want to see, so many things I'd like to do and so many people I'd like to meet.

I know there are probably billions of teenagers out there, doing the exact same and wanting to spread the word and what so ever. I mean it's just in our human nature that we want to be heard, especially in this world. I don't know about any of you, but I personally feel pressured sometimes in this oh so extraordinary world, because honestly I just feel ordinary. Like I'm just one of billions of billions individuals with a dream. But our society makes it hard for us nowadays. I admit we do have all these opportunities to communicate with each other, like posting whatever we feel like posting on a blog on the internet, for the world to read. I mean that's awesome, it really is!
But being heard here, can also be pretty hard here I would say, exactly because of this. There damn is a lot of company but oh well ;)

 For me blogging is more something for me (well, of course it would be great if people would read what I'm writing and what I have to say) but for me writing is my hobby. I write for myself usually, with a blog a blog that would all go out public.

I'm in an inspirational mood right now so I'm curious of everything that will follow.
After all this writing I think I'm gonna go outside for a while. Maybe do something that's on my bucket list. Or maybe I'm just gonna fill up another cup of tea and see where this evening with my beloved friend called laptop will lead me. Who knows what the future brings.
Keep living life to the fullest,
peace out.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hello A,
    we are class 9 from the German School in Bratislava and we have read your Blog in our English lesson. Actually, we didn´t want to write this comment but then we thought that it was a good idea to practice. In fact, some people were fascinated by your philosphical issues and topics which you kindly shared with the world. We agree on the thoughts that it`s hard to stick out in this huge world, so keep up the good work, we are sure that you will succeed
    peace out
